Sunday, October 11, 2015

Wedding Ceremony, October 10, 2015

Sanctuary of Most Holy Name Church, Troy Hill (Pittsburgh) where Shannon's parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were married.
Joanne Schmidt, mother of the bride, awaits the Bridal procession.
Parents of the groom: Frederick, Sr. and Patty Hamilton.
The Groom's sisters with their fiances.
The Groom and his Groomsmen get their first glimpse of the Bride!
Here comes the Bride!
Bride's brother Adam takes a cell phone pic.

Father of the Bride presents his daughter to her Groom.
Listening to the opening prayer.
A reading from the Old Testament by Shannon's Aunt Mary.
"We Pray to the Lord"
Introducing the new Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and Frederick Hamilton!

At the Church after the Ceremony

Maid of Honor Amelia with Shannon.
Parents of the Bride with the happy couple.

Shannon's brother Adam joins the group.
The guests await the appearance of the newlyweds.
Neil and Aunt Mary
 Neil, Rich, and Amanda.

Adam makes a point with Uncle Jeff.
Jeff escapes the crowd.

Ta Da!  The happy couple emerges!
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hamilton, Jr.

The Schmidts: Aunt Linda, Uncle Ed, Adam, Tom and Aunt Sharon.
More Schmidt family reunion via Florida and California.

Party Time! at Holy Trinity Center

The centerpieces were gorgeous.
Cookie Table in memory of Shannon's grandmother.

Jeff, Rich, and Brad
Fred and Linda compare notes on Cabernets.
The three cousins
The Stanek siblings.
Amanda with Rich

Uncle Fred and Brad
Shannon, Amelia and Tom hit the dance floor.
Brad gives a hug.
Tom and Jo have a quiet moment.

Fred with his new mother-in-law.
With Shannon's Godparents, Karen and Rick..